Emile Durkheim
April, 1858, Épinal, France -November 15, 1917,
Paris, France
- Harry Alpert, Emile Durkheim and his Sociology, (1939)
- Guy Aimard, Durkheim et la science économique;
l'apport de sa sociologie à la théorie économique
moderne, (1962)
- Joe E. Barnhart, The Study of Sociology and Its Meaning:
New Explorations in the Light of Karl Popper and Emile Durkheim,
- Robert Bierstedt, Emile Durkheim, (1966)
- Victor Branford, Durkheim: a brief memoir, (1918)
- Marian Cedronio, La società organica: politica
e sociologia di Emile Durkheim, (1989)
- Douglas Challenger, Durkheim through the lens of Aristotle:
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- Mark Sydney Cladis, A communitarian defense of liberalism:
Emile Durkheim and contemporary social theory, (1992)
- Herman Coenen, Diesseits von subjektivem Sinn und kollektivem
Zwang: Schütz, Durkheim, Merleau-Ponty; phänomenologische
Soziologie im Feld des zwischenleiblichen Verhaltens, (1985)
- W.S.F. Pickering and H. Martins (eds.), Debating Durkheim,
- Gisela Dombrowski, Sozialwissenschaft und Gesellschaft
bei Durkheim und Radcliffe-Brown, (1975)
- Steven Lukes and Andrew Scull (eds.) Durkheim and the
law, (1983)
- W.S.F. Pickering (ed.), Durkheim and representations,
- Jeffrey Alexander (ed.), Durkheimian sociology: cultural
studies, (1988)
- Peter Hamilton (ed.), Emile Durkheim: critical assessments,
- Mark Traugott (ed.), Emile Durkheim on institutional analysis,
- Stephen Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: Sociologist and
Moralist, (1993)
- Maurice Okpo Ene, Emile Durkheim's sociological theory
of religion and of knowledge, (1973)
- Bruno Bonu et al., L'Enquête sur les catégories:
de Durkheim à Sacks, (1994)
- Matteo Fabris, Morale e religione in Émile Durkheim,
- Pau Fauconnet, The Durkheim School in France, (1927)
- Stephen Fenton, Durkheim and modern sociology, (1984)
- Jean Claude Filloux, Durkheim et le socialisme, (1977)
- Mike Gane, On Durkheim's Rules of sociological method,
- Rodolphe Gasché, Die hybride Wissenschaft: zur
Mutation des Wissenschaftsbegriffs bei Emile Durkheim und im
Strukturismus von Claude Lévi-Strauss, (1973)
- Charles Elmer Gehlke, Emile Durkheim's contributions to
sociological theory, (1915)
- Juan Carlos Geneyro, La democracia inquieta: E. Durkheim
y J. Dewey, (1991)
- Werner Gephart, Strafe und Verbrechen: die Theorie Emile
Durkheims (1990)
- Anthony Giddens, Capitalism and modern social theory:
an analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber,
- Anthony Giddens, Durkheim, (1978)
- Georges Gurvitch, Essais de sociologie: Les formes de
la sociabilité, Le problème de la conscience collective,
La magie et le droit. La morale de Durkheim, (1938)
- Rolf Hiersche, Ferdinand de Saussures langue-parole-Konzeption
und sein Verhältnis zu Durkheim und von der Gabelentz,
- Richard Hilbert, The classical roots of ethnomethodology:
Durkheim, Veber and Garfinkel, (1992)
- Paul Q. Hirst, Durkheim, Bernard and epistomology,
- Inge Hofmann, Bürgerliches Denken: zur Soziologie
Emile Durkheims, (1973)
- J.A. Hughes, Understanding classical sociology: Marx,
Weber, Durkheim, (1995)
- W.S.F. Pickering and W. Watts Miller (eds.), Individualism
and human rights in the Durkheimian tradition, (1993)
- Wladyslaw Jacher, Teoria wiezi spolecznej w socjologii
Emila Durheima, (1973)
- Robert Alun Jones, Emile Durkheim: an introduction to
four major works, (1986)
- Dominick LaCapra, Emile Durkhiem: sociologist and philosopher,
- Stephen Lukes, Emile Durkheim: his life and work, a historical
and critical study, (1972)
- Herman May, Arbeitsteilung als Entfremdungssituation in
der Industriegesellschaft von Emile Durkheim bis huete, (1985)
- Stjepan Gabriel Mestrovic, Durkheim and postmodern culture,
- Stjepan Gabriel Mestrovic, Emile Durkheim and the reformation
of sociology, (1988)
- Ken Morrison, Marx, Durkheim, Weber: formations of modern
social thought, (1995)
- Hans-Peter Müller, Wertkrise und Gesellschaftsreform:
Emile Durkheims Schriften zur Politik, (1983)
- Richard Münch, Theorie des Handelns: zur Rekonstrucktion
der Beiträge von Talcott Parsons, Emile Durkheim und Max
Weber, (1982)
- Richard Münch, Understanding modernity: toward a
new perspective going beyond Durkheim and Weber, (1988)
- Robert Nisbet, Emile Durkheim, (1965)
- Robert Nisbet, The Sociology of Emile Durkheim, (1974)
- Elena Vladimirovna Osipova, Sotsiologiia Emila Diurkgeima:
kritch. analiz teret.-metodol. kontseptsii, (1977)
- Frank Parkin, Durkheim, (1992)
- Frank Pearce, The radical Durkheim, (1989)
- Gianfranco Poggi, Images of Society: essays on the sociological
theories of Tocqueville, Marx, and Durkheim, (1972)
- José A. Prades, Durkheim, (1977)
- Mario Proto, Durkheim e il marxismo: Dalla scienza sociale
all'ideologia corporativa, (1973)
- Mike Gane (ed.) The radical sociology of Durkheim and
Mauss, (1992)
- Warren Schmauss, Durkheim's philosophy of science and
the sociology of knowledge: creating an intellectual niche,
- Matthew Schoffeleers, Religion, nationalism and economic
action: critical questions on Durkheim and Weber, (1978)
- Philippe Besnard (ed.), The sociological domain, the Durkheimians
and the founding of French sociology, (1983)
- Philippe Steiner, La sociologie de Durkheim, (1994)
- Ivan Strenski, Durkheim and the Jews of France, (1997)
- Kenneth Thompson, Emile Durkheim, (1982)
- Mario Toscano, Evoluzione e crisi del mondo normativo,
Durkheim e Weber, (1975)
- Friedrich Valjavec, Emile Durkheim: Voraussetzungen und
Wirkungen, (1995)
- Joseph Vialatoux, De Durkheim à Bergson, (1939)
- Ernest Wallwork, Durkheim: morality and milieu, (1972)
- Williams Watts Miller, Durkheim, morals and modernity,
- Maria Wladyka, Teoria faktu spolecznego w systemie socjiologicznym
Emila Durkheima, (1974)
- Kurt Wolff, Emile Durkheim, 1858-1917: a collection of
essays, with translations and a bibilography, (1960)
- Kurt Wolff, Essays on sociology and philosophy by Emile
Durkheim et al. With appraisals of Durkheim's life and thought
by Paul Bohannan et al. (1964)