David Ames Wells
June 17, 1828, Springfield, Mass., USA – November
5, 1898, Norwich, Conn., USA
- The
Communism of a Discriminating Income-Tax. The North American
Review, vol. 130, issue 280 (March 1880).
- The
Creed of Free Trade. The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 36,
issue 214 (August 1876).
- Evils
of the Tariff System. The North American Review, vol.
139, issue 334 (Sept 1884).
- How
Shall the Nation Regain Prosperity? The North American
Review, vol. 125, issue 257 (July 1877).
- How
Shall the Nation Regain Prosperity? Part II. The North
American Review, vol. 125, issue 258 (September 1877).
- How
Shall the Nation regain Prosperity? Part III. The North
American Review, vol. 125, issue 259 (November 1877).
- The
Meaning of Revenue Reform. The North American Review,
vol. 113, issue 232 (July 1871).
- A
Modern Financial Utopia. The Atlantic Monthly, vol.
33, issue 198 (April 1874).
- Reform
in Federal Taxation. The North American Review, vol.
133, issue 301 (December 1881).
- The
Reform of Local Taxation. The North American Review,
vol. 122, issue 251 (April 1876).
- Resumption
of Specie Payments. The North American Review, vol.
125, issue 259 (November 1877).
- Taxation
without Jurisdiction Unconstitutional. The Atlantic Monthly,
vol. 35, issue 209 (March 1875).
- The
Theory and Practice of Local Taxation in the United States.
The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 33, issue 195 (January 1874).
- How
Congress and the Public Deal with a Great Revenue and Industrial
Problem, The Princeton Review (1880)
- Tariff
Revision, The Princteon Review (1882)
- Great
Britain and the United States: Their True Relations. The
North American Review, vol. 162, issue 473 (April 1896)
- Wells's
principles and applications of chemistry
- The
relation of the government to the telegraph
- The
true story of the leaden statuary