- Walras, Auguste, Léon Walras, and Pierre. Dockès. Oeuvres
économiques complètes. Paris, 1987.: Economica.
- Walras, Leon. 1965. Correspondence and related papers. Amsterdam:
North-Holland Publishing Co.
- ———. 1926. Elements d'economie politique pure; ou, Theorie de la
richesse sociale. Ed. definitive, revue et augmentee par l'auteur.
ed. Paris: Pichon et Durand-Auzias; Lausanne, Rouge.
- Walras, Léon. n.d. 1. Eléments d'économie politique
pure; ou, Théorie de la richesse sociale. Ed. 2. Lausanne, Rouge,
1889. 2. Théorie critique de l'impót, précédée
de souvenirs du Congrès de Lausanne. Paris, Guillaumin, 1861.
[Microphotographic films].
- ———. n.d. 1. Théorie mathématique de la richesse social
(Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. XIV, 76, pp. 365-430, 525-564). 2. Éléments
d'économie politique pure; ou, Théorie de la richesse sociale.
Lausanne, Corbaz, 1874. [n.p.
[Microphotographic films].
- ———. 1969. Les associations populaires de consommation. Roma:
- ———. 1969. Les associations popularies de consommation, de production
et de crédit. Ristampa anastatica della prima edizione del 1865
a cura di Oscar Nuccio. Roma: Bizzarri.
- ———. 1965-. Correspondence and related papers. Amsterdam: North-Holland
Pub. Co.
At head of title: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadmie van Wetenschappen: Royal
Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Letters.
- ———. 1861. De l'impôt dans le Canton de Vaud; mémoire
auquelle un quatrième accessit a été décerné
ensuite du Concours ouvert par le Conseil d'État du canton de Vaud
sur les questions relatives à l'impôt. Lausanne: Vincent
[Microphotographic films].
- ———. 1970. L'économie politique et la justice; examen critique
et réfutation des doctrines économiques de M. P.-J. Proudhon,
précédés d'une introduction à l'étude
de la question sociale. New York: B. Franklin.
Reprint of the Paris, 1860 ed.
- ———. 1860. L'économie politique et la justice, examen critique
et réfutation des doctrines économiques de M.P.-J. Proudhon,
précédées d'une introduct on à l'étude
de la question sociale. Paris: Guillaumin.
[Microphotographic films].
- ———. 1984. Eléments d'économie politique pure.
Philadelphia, PA: Orion Editions.
Translation of: Eléments d'économie politique pure.
- ———. 1954. Éléments d'économie politique pure.
London: Published by Allen and Unwin.
- ———. 1896. Éléments d'économie politique pure;
ou, Théorie de la richesse sociale. Ed. 3. ed. Lausanne: Rouge.
[Microphotographic films].
- ———. 1900. Éléments d'économie politique pure;
ou, Théorie de la richesse sociale. 4. ed. ed. Lausanne.
- ———. 1965. Elements of pure economics; or, The theory of social
wealth. Translated by William Jaffé. Homewood, Ill: Published
for the American Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society by
R.D. Irwin.
- ———. 1969. Études d'économie politique appliquée.
Roma: Bizzarri (R. Pioda).
- ———. 1898. Études d'économie politique appliquée
(Théorie de la production de la richesse sociale). Lausanne:
F. Rouge.
Provenance: donated by Bern Dibner.
- ———. 1969. Études d'economie sociale : theorie de la repartition
de la richesse sociale. Roma: Edizioni Bizzarri.
- ———. n.d. Sur la théorie mathématique de l'exchange
(Bulletin Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles 12. pp.
317-321). [n.p.
[Microphotographic films].
- Walras, Léon 1834-1910. 1969. Elements of pure economics;
: or, The theory of social wealth. New York, A. M. Kelley.
#A Original imprint covered by label, as above.
- Walras, Léon, William Jaffé, and Koninklijke Nederlandse
Akademie van Wetenschappen. 1965. Correspondence of Léon Walras
and related papers. Edited by William Jaffé. Amsterdam: North-Holland
Publishing Company.
At head of title: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Royal
Netherlands Academy of Science and Letters.
- Walras, Léon, Richard Kerschagl, and Stephan. Raditz. 1922.
Theorie des Geldes; die Stabilisierung des Geldwertes als das Problem
von heute und vor fünfzig Jahren. Nebst einem dogmengeschichtlichen,
historischen und darstellenden Teil hrsg. sowie übersetzt und erläutert.
Wien: G. Fischer.
- Walras, Léon, and Gaston Leduc. 1938. Abrégé
des Éléments d'économie politique pure. Paris:
R. Pichon et R. Durand-Auzias.
- ———. 1936. Études d'économie social (Théorie
de la répartition de la richesse social). [2. éd.] ed.
Lausanne: F. Rouge.
On cover: Édition définitive par les soins de G. Leduc.
- Walras, Léon, and Léon Walras. 1974. L'application
des mathématiques à l'économie politique et sociale.
New York: B. Franklin Reprints.
- ———. 1883. Théorie mathématique de la richesse sociale.
Lausanne: Corbaz.
A series of lectures and articles that together summarize the mathematical
elements of the author's Élements d'économie politique pure.
Léon Walras - Selected secondary works.
- Boson, Marcel. 1951. Léon Walras, fondateur de la politique
économique scientifique. Paris: Librairie générale
de droit et de jurisprudence.
- ———. 1963. La pensée sociale et coopérative de Léon
Walras. Paris: Institut des études coopératives.
- Busino, Giovanni, and Pascal Bridel. 1987. L'École de Lausanne
de Léon Walras à Pasquale Boninsegni. Études Et
Documents Pour Servir à L'Histoire De L'Université De Lausanne,
; 23. Lausanne: Université de Lausanne.
- Caspari, Volker. 1989. Walras, Marshall, Keynes. Volkswirtschaftliche
Schriften., Heft 387. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
- Colander, David C. 1996. Beyond microfoundations : post Walrasian
macroeconomics. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Beyond Microfoundations discusses the foundations for a Post Walrasian
macroeconomics and in doing so carries the work of Robert Clower and Axel
Leijonhufvud to the present. This book spells out both why a new approach
to macro is needed, and what the essence of the approach will be. This
Post Walrasian approach to macro is neither Keynesian nor Classical, both
of which have Walrasian foundations, but it offers an approach to macro
in which Walrasian economics is turned on its head. Specifically, it rejects
the Walrasian ad hoc assumptions of the existence of a unique equilibrium
and of simple dynamics. That rejection leads one to a fundamentally different
conception of macro than most macroeconomics have implicit in their formal
- Cournot, A. A., Léon Walras, Joseph Bertrand, Vilfredo Pareto,
and Georges Lutfalla. 1938. Recherches sur les principes mathématiques
de la théorie des richesses. Nouv. éd., avec des complémemts
de léon Walras, Joseph Bertrand et Vilfredo Pareto, publiée
avec une introduction et des notes par Georges Lutfalla. ed. Paris: Librarie
des sciences politiques et sociales, M. Rivere & cie.
At head of title: ... Augustin Cournot.
- Daal, J. van, and Albert Jolink. 1993. The equilibrium economics
of Léon Walras. London ; New York: Routledge.
- Dierker, Egbert. 1974. Topological methods in Walrasian economics.
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems ; 92. Berlin; New York:
- Diewert, W. E., University of British Columbia, Canada. Dept. of Manpower
and Immigration., and Canada. Dept. of Manpower and Immigration. Research
Branch. 1972. Walras' theory of capital formation and the existence
of a temporary equilibrium. [Vancouver] : Ottawa: University of British
Columbia ; Research Branch, Dept. of Manpower and Immigration.
Cover title.
- Dmitriev, V. K. 1974. Economic essays on value, competition and
utility. Translated by D. Fry and edited with an introd. by D.M. Nuti.
[London]: Cambridge University Press.
- ———. 1974. Ekonomicheski ocherki. [London, New York]: Cambridge
University Press.
Translation of Ekonomicheskie ocherki.
- ———. 1968. Ekonomicheskie ocherki. Paris Éditions du
Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
- ———. 1968. Essais économiques, esquisse de synthèse
organique de la théorie de la valeur-traveil et de la théorie
de l'utilité marginale. Paris: Éditions du Centre national
de la recherche scientifique.
- Dmitriev, V. K., and Domenico Mario Nuti. 1992. Ekonomicheskie ocherki.
Aldershot, Hampshire: Gregg Revivals.
Translation of Ekonomicheskie ocherki.
- Dumez, Hervé. 1985. L'économiste, la science et le
pouvoir : le cas Walras. 1re éd. -- ed. Sociologies. Paris:
Presses universitaires de France.
Includes indexes.
- Giacalone-Monaco, Tommaso. 1960. Pareto-Walras; da un carteggio
inedito, 1891-1901. Padova; CEDAM.
At head of title: Universitá commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano.
Istituto di economia.
- Hall, Archibald Stuart. 1951. Historical and philosophical aspects
of the economics of the "Lausanne School". Urbana, Ill: Thesis--University
of Illinois.
- Hildenbrand, Werner, Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, Léon Walras,
and A. P. Kirman. 1976. Introduction to equilibrium analysis : variations
on themes by Edgeworth and Walras. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co.
Errata slip tipped in.
- Hildenbrand, Werner, and A. P. Kirman. 1988. Equilibrium analysis
: variations on themes by Edgeworth and Walras. Advanced Textbooks
in Economics., v. 28. Amsterdam ; New York : New York, N.Y: North-Holland
; Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
Includes index.
- ———. 1976. Introduction to equilibrium analysis : variations on
themes by Edgeworth and Walras. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co.
Errata slip tipped in.
- Jaffé, William, and Donald A. Walker. 1983. Essays on Walras.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Jolink, Albert. 1996. The evolutionist economics of Léon
Walras. Routledge Studies in the History of Economics ; 6. London ;
New York: Routledge.
- ———. 1991. Liberté, egalité, rareté : the evolutionary
economics of Léon Walras : an analytical reconstruction. Tinbergen
Institute Research Series. ; 3. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
Text in English, Dutch and French.
- Katzner, Donald W. 1989. The Walrasian vision of the microeconomy
: an elementary exposition of the structure of modern general equilibrium
theory. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Includes index.
- Leroy, Marie-Christine. 1986. La monnaie chez L. Walras, J.M. Keynes,
Fr. Perroux. Paris: Éditions de l'épargne.
- Morishima, Michio. 1977. Walras' economics : a pure theory of capital
and money. Cambridge, Eng. ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Mukherji, Anjan. 1990. Walrasian and non-Walrasian equilibria :
an introduction to general equilibrium analysis. Oxford : New York:
Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press.
Includes index.
- Oulès, Firmin, Léon Walras, and Vilfredo Pareto, ed.
1950. L'école de Lausanne. Paris: Dalloz.
- ———. 1950. L'école de Lausanne. Textes choisis de L. Walras
et V. Pareto. Paris: Dalloz.
- Walker, Donald A. 1996. Walras's market models. Cambridge ;
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Walras's Market Models describes and evaluates Leon Walras's models of
competitive markets. The book differs from previous examinations of his
work by identifying his career phases and the associated general equilibrium
models, which are shown to be very different in character. During his mature
phase of theoretical activity, Walras was concerned with a competitive
economy that passes through a stage of disequilibrium in the production
and sales of commodities. In his last phase of theoretical activity, he
tried to construct a model in which hiring, production, sales, consumption,
and saving would be suspended until an equilibrium of prices was found.
The defective structure of that model and its fragmentary nature prevented
it from becoming a functioning system. Until now, the models of the two
phases of Walras's theoretical work have not been subjected to an accurate
analysis and evaluation. Walras's Market Models fills this gap.
- Yamaguchi, Kaoru. 1988. Beyond Walras, Keynes, and Marx : synthesis
in economic theory toward a new social design. New York: P. Lang.
Based on the authors thesis (Ph. D.--University of California, Berkeley,
1985) originally presented under title: Beyond Walras, Keynes, and Marx--on
synthesized paradigm toward a new social design.