Political economist; of King's College, London, and Magdalen
Hall, Oxford; M.A., 1849; curate of St.
Paul's, Oxford; abandoned clerical profession; first Tooke professor
of statistics and economic science,
King's College, London, 185990; Drummond professor of political
economy, Oxford, 18627; became
intimate with Cobden, whose views he adopted; instrumental in
obtaining Clerical Disabilities Relief Act,
of which he was first to avail himself, 1870; engaged in political
agitation; M.P., Southwark, 18805,
Bermondsey, 18856; lecturer in political economy, Worcester
College, Oxford, 1883; re-elected
Drummond professor, 1888; published works on economics and economic
history, including History of
Agriculture and Prices (6 vols.), 186687. [xlix. 123]
Sidney Lee, Dictionary of National Biography: Index
and Epitome, The Macmillan Company. London: Smith, Elder,
& Co. 1903 .