Thomas Paine

January 29, 1737, Thetford, Norfolk,
England June 8, 1809, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Life and Writings of Thomas Paine. Edited
and annotated by Daniel Edwin Wheeler
(contributed by Gary Edwards)
Volume One: (ZIP)
- Title Page and Contents
- Introduction (RTF)
- Life of Thomas Paine By Thomas Clio Rickman
- Erkine's Defense of Paine
- Thomas Paine: Father of Republics by Paul Desjardins
- Paine in the American Revolution By Leslie Stephen (RTF)
- Thomas Paine. By Robert Green Ingersoll (RTF)
- A Little Journey To The Home of Thomas Paine By Elbert Hubbard
- A Square Deal By Marilla M. Ricker (RTF)
Volume Two: (Zip)
- Title Page and Contents (RTF)
- Explanatory Preface (RTF)
- Introduction (RTF)
Common Sense
- Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, etc. (RTF)
- Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. (RTF)
- Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. (RTF)
- Of the Present Ability of America, with Some Miscellaneous
Reflections. (RTF)
- Appendix (RTF)
- Epistle to Quakers (RTF)
Miscellaneous Essays
- African Slavery in America (RTF)
- A Dialogue Between General Wolfe and General Gage in a Wood
near Boston (RTF)
- The Magazine in America (RTF)
- Useful and Entertaining Hints (RTF)
- New Anecdotes of Alexander the Great (RTF)
- Reflections on the Death on Lord Clive. (RTF)
- Cupid and Hymen (RTF)
- Duelling (RTF)
- Reflections on Titles (RTF)
- The Dream Interpreted (RTF)
- Reflections on Unhappy Marriages (RTF)
- Thoughts on Defensive War (RTF)
- An Occasional Letter on the Female Sex. (RTF)
- A Serious Thought. (RTF)
- The Forrester Letters (RTF)
- A Dialogue (RTF)
- Retreat Across the Delaware (RTF)
- Letter to Franklin in Paris (RTF)
- The Affair of Silas Deane. (RTF)
Volume Three: (zip)
- Crisis Number I (RTF)
Crisis Number II - To Lord Howe (RTF)
Crisis Number III (RTF)
Crisis Number IV (RTF)
Crisis Number V - To General William Howe (RTF)
Crisis Number VI - To the Earl of Carlisle, General Clinton,
and William Eden, Esq. (RTF)
Crisis Number VII - To the people of England. (RTF)
Crisis Number VIII - Address to the People of England (RTF)
Crisis Number IX (RTF)
Crisis Number X - On the Subject of Taxation (RTF)
Crisis Number XI - On the King of England's Speech. (RTF)
Crisis Number XII - On the Present State of News (RTF)
Crisis Number XIII - To Sir Guy Carleton (RTF)
Crisis Number XIV - To the Earl of Shelburne (RTF)
Crisis Number XV (RTF)
Crisis Number XVI - To The People of America (RTF)
Volume Four: (zip)
- To George Washington (RTF)
- Historical Preface (RTF)
- Preface to the English Edition (RTF)
- Preface to the French Edition (RTF)
- Rights of Man, Part First (RTF)
- Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens (RTF)
Observations on the Declarations of Rights (RTF)
Miscellaneous Chapter (RTF)
Conclusion (RTF)
- Rights of Man, Part Second (RTF)
- Chapter I Of Society and Civilisation. (RTF)
Chapter II On the Origin of the Present Old Governments
Chapter III Of the Old and New Systems of Government (RTF)
Chapter IV On Constitutions. (RTF)
Volume Five: (zip)
Rights of Man, Part Second
- Chapter V Ways and Means of Improving the Conditions
of Europe, etc. (RTF)
Miscellaneous Essays
- To the Authors of Le Republican (RTF)
A Republican Manifesto (RTF)
To the Abbe Sayes (RTF)
To the Attorney-General (RTF)
To Mr. Secretary Dundas (RTF)
Letters to Onslow Cranley (RTF)
To the Sheriff of the County of Sussex (RTF)
To Mr. Secretary Dundas (RTF)
Letter addressed to the Addressers on the Late Proclamation (RTF)
An Essay Written to Aid New Republicans in their Opposition to
Monarchy. (RTF)
To the Attorney-General on the Prosecution Against the Second
Part of the Rights of Man. (RTF)
On the Propriety of Bringing Louis XVI to Trial. (RTF)
Reasons for Preserving the Life of Louis Capet. (RTF)
Shall Louis XVI Be Respited? (RTF)
Plan of a Declaration (RTF)
Answers to Four Questions on the Legislative and Executive Powers.
Volume Six (zip)
Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous
Theology In Two Parts
- To My Fellow-Citizens of the United States of America (RTF)
- Age of Reason, Part First (RTF)
- Preface to Age of Reason, Part Second (RTF)
- Age of Reason, Part Second (RTF)
- The New Testament (RTF)
- Conclusion (RTF)
- Letters Concerning the Age of Reason (RTF)
- Prosecution of the Age of Reason (RTF)
Volume Seven (zip)
Age of Reason: Miscellaneous Essays for Third and Fourth
- The Existence of God (RTF)
- Worship and Church Bells (RTF)
- Extract from a Reply to the Bishop of Landaff (RTF)
- Origin of Freemasonry (RTF)
- Prospect Papers (RTF)
- Remarks on R. Halls Sermon
- Of the Word Religion
- Of Cain and Abel
- The Tower of Babel
- Of the Religion of Deism
- To the Missionary Society
- Of the Sabbath Day in Connecticut
- Of the Old and New Testament
- Hints on Inquiring Into Religious History
- To Bishop Moore
- To John Mason
- On Deism
- Of the Books of the New Testament
- Biblical Blasphemy
- Biblical Anachronism
- Religious Intelligence
- Remarks
- Examination of the Prophecies (RTF)
- Preface
- An Essay on Dream
- Examination of the Books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
- Appendix
- Contradictory Doctrines Between Mathew and Mark.
- A Letter to Andrew Dean (RTF)
- Predestination (RTF)
Volume 8 (zip)
Essays, Letters and Addresses
- To the Public on Mr. Deanes Affair (RTF)
- Autobiographical Sketch (RTF)
- Messs. Deane, Jay and Gerard. (RTF)
- (1) Peace, and the Newfoundland Fisheries. (RTF)
- (2) Peace, and the Newfoundland Fisheries. (RTF)
- (3) Peace, and the Newfoundland Fisheries. (RTF)
- The American Philosophical Society (RTF)
- Emancipation of Slaves. (RTF)
- Public Good (RTF)
- Introduction to the Letter to the Abbe Raynal (RTF)
- Letter to the Abbe Raynal, 1782 (RTF)
- Dissertations on Government; the Affairs of the Bank; and
Paper Money (RTF)
Volume 9 (zip)
Essays, Letters and Addresses
- The Society for Political Enquiries (RTF)
Prospects on the Rubicon (RTF)
Specification of Thomas Paine (RTF)
Letters to Jefferson in Paris (RTF)
Address and Declaration (RTF)
Private Letters to Jefferson (RTF)
Letter to Danton (RTF)
A Citizen of America to the Citizens of Europe (RTF)
Appeal to the Convention (RTF)
Memorial Addressed to James Monroe (RTF)
Addenda (RTF)
Letter to George Washington (RTF)
Observations (RTF)
Dissertations on First Principles of Government (RTF)
The Constitution of 1795 (RTF)
The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance (RTF)
Forgetfulness (RTF)
Volume 10 (zip)
Essays, Letters and Poems.
- Agrarian Justice (RTF)
The Eighteenth Fructidor (RTF)
the Recall of Monroe (RTF)
Private Letter to Thomas Jefferson (RTF)
Proposal That Louisiana be Purchased (RTF)
Thomas Paine the Citizens of the United States (RTF)
To the French inhabitants of Louisiana (RTF)
Case of the Officers of Excise (RTF)
- Letter to Doctor Goldsmith (RTF)
Scientific Memoranda (RTF)
The Iron Bridge (RTF)
The Construction of Iron Bridges (RTF)
To the People of England on the Invasion of England. (RTF)
Constitutional Reform (RTF)
Constitutions, Governments and Charters (RTF)
The Cause of Yellow Fever (RTF)
Liberty of the Press (RTF)
Songs and Rhymes (RTF)
The Will of Thomas Paine (RTF)