Simon Newcomb
b. March 12, 1835, Wallace, Nova Scotia, Canada -- d. July 11, 1909, Washington, D.C., USA
Articles and Reviews
- The Let-alone Principle from The North American Review, Volume 110, Issue 226, January 1870, pp 1-33.
- The Labor Question from The North American Review, Volume 111, Issue 228, July 1870, pp 122-155.
- W. Stanley Jevons's Theory of Political Economy A Book Review by S. N. in the The North American Review, Volume 114, Issue 235, April 1872, pp. 435-440.
- The Method and Province of Political Economy from The North American Review, Volume 121, Issue 249, October 1875, pp 241-270.
- Abstract Science in America, 1776-1876 from The North American Review, Volume 122, Issue 250, January 1876, pp 88-124.
- The Standard of Value from The North American Review, Volume 129, Issue 274, September 1879, pp 223-238.
- The Organisation of Labor I: The Organizer as a Producer from The Princeton Review, Volume 1, May 1880, pp 393-410.
- The Organisation of Labor II: The Interest of the Laborer in Production from The Princeton Review, Volume 2, September 1880, pp 231-246.
- Principles of Taxation from The North American Review, Volume 131, Issue 285, August 1880, pp 142-157.
- Soap-Bubbles of Socialism from The North American Review, Volume 150, Issue 402, May 1890, pp 563-573.
Works about Newcomb include:
Albert Moyer, A Scientists Voice in American Culture: Simon Newcomb and the Rhetoric of Scientific Method Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992.
William Barber, "Should the American Economic Association Have Toasted Simon Newcomb at its 100th Birthday Party?", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1987, Vol 1, pp 179-183.