Hugo Grotius
(Huigh De Groot)

April 10, 1583, Delft, Netherlands August 28,
1645, Rostok, Germany
- W.S.M. Knight, The Life and Works of Hugo Grotius.
- J.N. Figgis, Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius:
14141625, (1916)
- A. Lysen (ed.) Hugo Grotius: Essays on his Life and Works,
2 volumes, (1925)
- Eric Wolf, Grotius, Pufendorf, Thomasius, (1927)
- Jacob Ter Meulen and P.J.J. Diermanse, Bibilographie des
écrits imprimés de Hugo Grotius, (1950)
- Jacob Ter Meulen and P.J.J. Diermanse, Bibiographie des
écrits sur Hugo Grotius imprimés au XVIIe siècle,
- W.J.M. Van Eysinga, Huigh de Groot, een Schets, (1945)
- Liesje Van Someren, Umpire to the Nations: Hugo Grotius,
- Edward Dumbauld, The Life and Legal Writings of Hugo Grotius,
- Knud Haakonssen (ed.), Grotius, Pufendorf and Modern Natural
Law, (1999)
- Grotius Society Transactions, 19151959, 44 volumes