Thomas Hill Green

April 7, 1836, Birkin, Yorkshire, England March
26, 1882, Oxford, England
- H. Sidgwick, Lectures on the ethics of T.H. Green, Herbert
Spencer, and J. Martineau.
- H. Sidgwick, 1905, Lectures on the philosophy of Kant,
and other philosophical lectures and essays.
- H. Sidgwick and E. E. C. Jones, 1902, Lectures on the
ethics of T. H. Green, Herbert Spencer, and J. Martineau.
- C. Tyler, 1997, Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882) and the
philosophical foundations of politics: an internal critique.
- A. Jellamo, 1993, Interpretazione del bene comune: saggio
su Thomas H. Green.
- A. P. Leland, 1911, The educational theory and practice
of T.H. Green.
- W. H. Fairbrother, 1896, The philosophy of Thomas Hill
- I. M. Greengarten 1977, The social and political thought
of Thomas Hill Green.
- I. M. Greengarten, 1981, Thomas Hill Green and the development
of liberal-democratic thought.
- M. Richter, 1964, The politics of conscience; T.H. Green
and his age.
- G. Thomas, 1987, The moral philosophy of T.H. Green.
- A. R. Cacoullos, 1974, Thomas Hill Green: philosopher
of rights.
- D. G. Ritchie, 1902, The principles of state interference:
four essays on the political philosophy of Mr. Herbert Spencer,
J. S. Mill, and T. H. Green.
- A. Vincent, 1986, The Philosophy of T.H. Green.
- G. F. James, 1894, Thomas Hill Green und der Utilitarismus.
- H. G. Townsend, 1914, The principles of individuality
in the philosophy of Thomas Hill Green.
- H. Sturt, 1906, Idola theatri, a criticism of Oxford thought
and thinkers from the standpoint of personal idealism.
- F. Anderson, A modern philosopher - Green of Balliol,
- R. L. Nettleship, 1906, Memoir of Thomas Hill Green.
- J. H. Muirhead, 1908, The service of the state. Four lectures
on the political teaching of T.H. Green.
- A. B. Brown, 1934, Great democrats.
- A. K. Mukhopadhyay, 1967, The ethics of obedience; a study
of the philosophy of T.H. Green.
- J. MacCunn, 1907, Six radical thinkers: Bentham, J.S.
Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T.H. Green.
- W. D. Lamont, 1934, Introduction to Green's moral philosophy.
- O. Günther, 1915, Das Verhältnis der Ethik Thomas
Hill Greens zu derjenigen Kants.
- J. Pucelle, 1960, La nature et l'esprit dans la philosophie
de T.H. Green; la renaissance de l'idéalisme en Angleterre
au 19e siècle.