Jeremy Bentham

February 15, 1748 – June 6, 1832


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Kayser, Elmer Louis, 1932, The grand social enterprise, a study of Jeremy Bentham in his relation to liberal nationalism
Keeton, George Williams & Schwarzenberger, Georg, 1948, Jeremy Bentham and the law, a symposium, ed. on behalf of the Faculty of Laws of University College, London
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Laval, Christian, 1994, Jeremy Bentham : le pouvoir des fictions
Lee, Keekok, 1990, The legal-rational state : a comparison of Hobbes, Bentham, and Kelsen
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Milne, Alexander Taylor, 1937, Catalogue of the manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham in the library of University college, London
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Rosen, F., 1983, Jeremy Bentham and representative democracy: a study of the Constitutional code
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Semple, Janet, 1993, Bentham's prison: a study of the panopticon penitentiary
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